
Used by
Element OppositeParallelPlanesFromScanType / SurfaceFeature
The SurfaceFeature element identifies the scanned surface feature from which the opposite parallel planes feature is retrieved.
Diagram IntermediatesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_BaseFeatureType.tmp#BaseFeatureType_ReferencedComponent IntermediatesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_BaseFeatureType.tmp#BaseFeatureType_FeatureId IntermediatesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_BaseFeatureType.tmp#BaseFeatureType
Type BaseFeatureType
content complex
Children FeatureId, ReferencedComponent
<SurfaceFeature xmlns="">
  <FeatureId asmPathId="" asmPathXId="" xId="">{1,1}</FeatureId>
<xs:element name="SurfaceFeature" type="BaseFeatureType">
    <xs:documentation>The SurfaceFeature element identifies the scanned surface feature from which the opposite parallel planes feature is retrieved.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd
Element OppositeParallelPlanesFromScanType / SearchRadius
The SearchRadius element is the radius around the nominal feature, wherein the measured feature can be expected. The SearchRadius is the radius added to and subtracted from the nominal feature size defining a shell. All scanned points within this shell are used for the retrieval of the feature. The shell's axis is defined by the DepthVector direction and the shell's axis passes through the feature's center point. The shell is evenly disposed about the nominal opposite parallel planes feature.
Diagram Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType_decimalPlaces Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType_significantFigures Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType Units_xsd_Complex_Type_LinearValueType.tmp#LinearValueType_linearUnit Units_xsd_Complex_Type_LinearValueType.tmp#LinearValueType
Type LinearValueType
Type hierarchy
content complex
QName Type Use Annotation
decimalPlaces xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
See documentation of SpecifiedDecimalType.
linearUnit xs:token optional
The optional linearUnit attribute defines the UnitName for the LinearValueType.
significantFigures xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
See documentation of SpecifiedDecimalType.
<xs:element name="SearchRadius" type="LinearValueType">
    <xs:documentation>The SearchRadius element is the radius around the nominal feature, wherein the measured feature can be expected. The SearchRadius is the radius added to and subtracted from the nominal feature size defining a shell. All scanned points within this shell are used for the retrieval of the feature. The shell's axis is defined by the DepthVector direction and the shell's axis passes through the feature's center point. The shell is evenly disposed about the nominal opposite parallel planes feature.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd
Complex Type OppositeParallelPlanesFromScanType
The OppositeParallelPlanesFromScanType defines an opposite parallel planes feature construction by the retrieval of an opposite parallel planes feature from a scanned surface feature (point cloud).
Diagram Features_xsd_Complex_Type_ConstructionMethodBaseType.tmp#ConstructionMethodBaseType_NominalsCalculated Features_xsd_Complex_Type_ConstructionMethodBaseType.tmp#ConstructionMethodBaseType Features_xsd_Complex_Type_OppositeParallelPlanesFromScanType.tmp#OppositeParallelPlanesFromScanType_SurfaceFeature Features_xsd_Complex_Type_OppositeParallelPlanesFromScanType.tmp#OppositeParallelPlanesFromScanType_SearchRadius
Type extension of ConstructionMethodBaseType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Children NominalsCalculated, SearchRadius, SurfaceFeature
<xs:complexType name="OppositeParallelPlanesFromScanType">
    <xs:documentation>The OppositeParallelPlanesFromScanType defines an opposite parallel planes feature construction by the retrieval of an opposite parallel planes feature from a scanned surface feature (point cloud).</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="ConstructionMethodBaseType">
        <xs:element name="SurfaceFeature" type="BaseFeatureType">
            <xs:documentation>The SurfaceFeature element identifies the scanned surface feature from which the opposite parallel planes feature is retrieved.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="SearchRadius" type="LinearValueType">
            <xs:documentation>The SearchRadius element is the radius around the nominal feature, wherein the measured feature can be expected. The SearchRadius is the radius added to and subtracted from the nominal feature size defining a shell. All scanned points within this shell are used for the retrieval of the feature. The shell's axis is defined by the DepthVector direction and the shell's axis passes through the feature's center point. The shell is evenly disposed about the nominal opposite parallel planes feature.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd