The StatsWithTolLinearType defines a StatsWithTolNumericalBaseType with an optional linearUnit attribute that identifies the unit being used by its unit name. If no value for the attribute is given in an instance file when a length value is given, the unit type is the primary length unit specified in the PrimaryUnits element of a FileUnits element, if there is a FileUnits element, and meters if not.
The optional linearUnit attribute defines the unit used by StatsWithTolLinearType.
<xs:complexType name="StatsWithTolLinearType"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The StatsWithTolLinearType defines a StatsWithTolNumericalBaseType with an optional linearUnit attribute that identifies the unit being used by its unit name. If no value for the attribute is given in an instance file when a length value is given, the unit type is the primary length unit specified in the PrimaryUnits element of a FileUnits element, if there is a FileUnits element, and meters if not.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexContent><xs:extension base="StatsWithTolNumericalBaseType"><xs:attribute name="linearUnit" type="xs:token"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The optional linearUnit attribute defines the unit used by StatsWithTolLinearType.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute></xs:extension></xs:complexContent></xs:complexType>
<xs:attribute name="linearUnit" type="xs:token"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The optional linearUnit attribute defines the unit used by StatsWithTolLinearType.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:attribute>