
Used by
Element OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType / InternalExternal
The InternalExternal element indicates whether the feature is internal (slot, groove) or external (rib, web, block).
Diagram PrimitivesPMI_xsd_Simple_Type_InternalExternalEnumType.tmp#InternalExternalEnumType
Type InternalExternalEnumType
content simple
enumeration INTERNAL
enumeration EXTERNAL
enumeration NOT_APPLICABLE
<xs:element name="InternalExternal" type="InternalExternalEnumType">
    <xs:documentation>The InternalExternal element indicates whether the feature is internal (slot, groove) or external (rib, web, block).</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd
Element OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType / Width
The Width element is the nominal width of this feature of size. Because the feature is tapered, the width applies at the locating point.
Diagram Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType_decimalPlaces Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType_significantFigures Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType Units_xsd_Complex_Type_LinearValueType.tmp#LinearValueType_linearUnit Units_xsd_Complex_Type_LinearValueType.tmp#LinearValueType
Type LinearValueType
Type hierarchy
content complex
QName Type Use Annotation
decimalPlaces xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
See documentation of SpecifiedDecimalType.
linearUnit xs:token optional
The optional linearUnit attribute defines the UnitName for the LinearValueType.
significantFigures xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
See documentation of SpecifiedDecimalType.
<xs:element name="Width" type="LinearValueType">
    <xs:documentation>The Width element is the nominal width of this feature of size. Because the feature is tapered, the width applies at the locating point.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd
Element OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType / Length
The optional Length element is the nominal length of the feature from end to end along the centerline.
Diagram Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType_decimalPlaces Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType_significantFigures Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType Units_xsd_Complex_Type_LinearValueType.tmp#LinearValueType_linearUnit Units_xsd_Complex_Type_LinearValueType.tmp#LinearValueType
Type LinearValueType
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
QName Type Use Annotation
decimalPlaces xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
See documentation of SpecifiedDecimalType.
linearUnit xs:token optional
The optional linearUnit attribute defines the UnitName for the LinearValueType.
significantFigures xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
See documentation of SpecifiedDecimalType.
<xs:element name="Length" type="LinearValueType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The optional Length element is the nominal length of the feature from end to end along the centerline.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd
Element OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType / EndType
The EndType element is the type of the opposite angled lines feature's ends: round, flat, expanded, or open.
Diagram PrimitivesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_SlotEndType.tmp#SlotEndType_SlotEndEnum PrimitivesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_SlotEndType.tmp#SlotEndType_OtherSlotEnd PrimitivesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_SlotEndType.tmp#SlotEndType
Type SlotEndType
content complex
Children OtherSlotEnd, SlotEndEnum
<EndType xmlns="">
<xs:element name="EndType" type="SlotEndType">
    <xs:documentation>The EndType element is the type of the opposite angled lines feature's ends: round, flat, expanded, or open.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd
Element OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType / TaperAngle
The TaperAngle element is the nominal taper angle of the feature. If positive, the opposite angled lines of the feature open in the direction of the centerline vector, and if negative, the opposite angled lines close in the direction of the centerline vector.
Diagram Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType_decimalPlaces Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType_significantFigures Units_xsd_Complex_Type_SpecifiedDecimalType.tmp#SpecifiedDecimalType Units_xsd_Complex_Type_AngularValueType.tmp#AngularValueType_angularUnit Units_xsd_Complex_Type_AngularValueType.tmp#AngularValueType
Type AngularValueType
Type hierarchy
content complex
QName Type Use Annotation
angularUnit xs:token optional
The optional angularUnit attribute defines the UnitName for the AngularValueType.
decimalPlaces xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
See documentation of SpecifiedDecimalType.
significantFigures xs:nonNegativeInteger optional
See documentation of SpecifiedDecimalType.
<xs:element name="TaperAngle" type="AngularValueType">
    <xs:documentation>The TaperAngle element is the nominal taper angle of the feature. If positive, the opposite angled lines of the feature open in the direction of the centerline vector, and if negative, the opposite angled lines close in the direction of the centerline vector.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd
Element OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType / SingleOpenEnd
The optional SingleOpenEnd element is a designator that this feature has one open end. It has meaning only with FLAT, ROUND or EXPANDED end types. If this element exists and is set to "true" then the end in the direction of the centerline vector is open and the other end is closed.
Type xs:boolean
content simple
minOccurs 0
<xs:element name="SingleOpenEnd" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The optional SingleOpenEnd element is a designator that this feature has one open end. It has meaning only with FLAT, ROUND or EXPANDED end types. If this element exists and is set to "true" then the end in the direction of the centerline vector is open and the other end is closed.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd
Element OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType / EndRadius1
The optional EndRadius1 element is the radius of a complex end in the direction opposite the centerline vector. If the end type is flat, then the opposite angled lines feature has a filleted flat end, and the value must be small enough that a portion of the end is flat. If the end type is round, this value must be such that the end is an outward circular arc. If the end radius is greater than that of a tangent round end then whether the end expands in size like a dumbbell or not is defined by the Expanded element.
Diagram PrimitivesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_EndRadiusType.tmp#EndRadiusType_EndRadius PrimitivesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_EndRadiusType.tmp#EndRadiusType_Expanded PrimitivesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_EndRadiusType.tmp#EndRadiusType
Type EndRadiusType
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children EndRadius, Expanded
<EndRadius1 xmlns="">
  <EndRadius decimalPlaces="" linearUnit="" significantFigures="">{1,1}</EndRadius>
<xs:element name="EndRadius1" type="EndRadiusType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The optional EndRadius1 element is the radius of a complex end in the direction opposite the centerline vector. If the end type is flat, then the opposite angled lines feature has a filleted flat end, and the value must be small enough that a portion of the end is flat. If the end type is round, this value must be such that the end is an outward circular arc. If the end radius is greater than that of a tangent round end then whether the end expands in size like a dumbbell or not is defined by the Expanded element.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd
Element OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType / EndRadius2
The optional EndRadius2 element is the radius of the complex end in the direction of the centerline vector. If the end type is flat, then the opposite angled lines feature has a filleted flat end, and the value must be small enough that a portion of the end is flat. If the end type is round, this value must be such that the end is an outward circular arc. If the end radius is greater than that of a tangent round end then whether the end expands in size like a dumbbell or not is defined by the Expanded element.
Diagram PrimitivesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_EndRadiusType.tmp#EndRadiusType_EndRadius PrimitivesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_EndRadiusType.tmp#EndRadiusType_Expanded PrimitivesPMI_xsd_Complex_Type_EndRadiusType.tmp#EndRadiusType
Type EndRadiusType
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children EndRadius, Expanded
<EndRadius2 xmlns="">
  <EndRadius decimalPlaces="" linearUnit="" significantFigures="">{1,1}</EndRadius>
<xs:element name="EndRadius2" type="EndRadiusType" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>The optional EndRadius2 element is the radius of the complex end in the direction of the centerline vector. If the end type is flat, then the opposite angled lines feature has a filleted flat end, and the value must be small enough that a portion of the end is flat. If the end type is round, this value must be such that the end is an outward circular arc. If the end radius is greater than that of a tangent round end then whether the end expands in size like a dumbbell or not is defined by the Expanded element.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd
Complex Type OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType
The OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType defines the nominal information that can be common to one or more opposite angled lines features.
Diagram Features_xsd_Complex_Type_FeatureBaseType.tmp#FeatureBaseType_id Primitives_xsd_Element_Attributes.tmp#Attributes Features_xsd_Complex_Type_FeatureBaseType.tmp#FeatureBaseType Features_xsd_Complex_Type_FeatureDefinitionBaseType.tmp#FeatureDefinitionBaseType Features_xsd_Complex_Type_ShapeFeatureDefinitionBaseType.tmp#ShapeFeatureDefinitionBaseType Features_xsd_Complex_Type_CurveFeatureDefinitionBaseType.tmp#CurveFeatureDefinitionBaseType Features_xsd_Complex_Type_OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType.tmp#OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType_InternalExternal Features_xsd_Complex_Type_OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType.tmp#OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType_Width Features_xsd_Complex_Type_OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType.tmp#OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType_Length Features_xsd_Complex_Type_OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType.tmp#OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType_EndType Features_xsd_Complex_Type_OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType.tmp#OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType_TaperAngle Features_xsd_Complex_Type_OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType.tmp#OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType_SingleOpenEnd Features_xsd_Complex_Type_OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType.tmp#OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType_EndRadius1 Features_xsd_Complex_Type_OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType.tmp#OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType_EndRadius2
Type extension of CurveFeatureDefinitionBaseType
Type hierarchy
Used by
Children Attributes, EndRadius1, EndRadius2, EndType, InternalExternal, Length, SingleOpenEnd, TaperAngle, Width
QName Type Use Annotation
id QIFIdType required
The id attribute is the QIF id of the feature, used for referencing.
<xs:complexType name="OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType">
    <xs:documentation>The OppositeAngledLinesFeatureDefinitionType defines the nominal information that can be common to one or more opposite angled lines features.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:extension base="CurveFeatureDefinitionBaseType">
        <xs:element name="InternalExternal" type="InternalExternalEnumType">
            <xs:documentation>The InternalExternal element indicates whether the feature is internal (slot, groove) or external (rib, web, block).</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="Width" type="LinearValueType">
            <xs:documentation>The Width element is the nominal width of this feature of size. Because the feature is tapered, the width applies at the locating point.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="Length" type="LinearValueType" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:documentation>The optional Length element is the nominal length of the feature from end to end along the centerline.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="EndType" type="SlotEndType">
            <xs:documentation>The EndType element is the type of the opposite angled lines feature's ends: round, flat, expanded, or open.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="TaperAngle" type="AngularValueType">
            <xs:documentation>The TaperAngle element is the nominal taper angle of the feature. If positive, the opposite angled lines of the feature open in the direction of the centerline vector, and if negative, the opposite angled lines close in the direction of the centerline vector.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="SingleOpenEnd" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:documentation>The optional SingleOpenEnd element is a designator that this feature has one open end. It has meaning only with FLAT, ROUND or EXPANDED end types. If this element exists and is set to "true" then the end in the direction of the centerline vector is open and the other end is closed.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="EndRadius1" type="EndRadiusType" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:documentation>The optional EndRadius1 element is the radius of a complex end in the direction opposite the centerline vector. If the end type is flat, then the opposite angled lines feature has a filleted flat end, and the value must be small enough that a portion of the end is flat. If the end type is round, this value must be such that the end is an outward circular arc. If the end radius is greater than that of a tangent round end then whether the end expands in size like a dumbbell or not is defined by the Expanded element.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="EndRadius2" type="EndRadiusType" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:documentation>The optional EndRadius2 element is the radius of the complex end in the direction of the centerline vector. If the end type is flat, then the opposite angled lines feature has a filleted flat end, and the value must be small enough that a portion of the end is flat. If the end type is round, this value must be such that the end is an outward circular arc. If the end radius is greater than that of a tangent round end then whether the end expands in size like a dumbbell or not is defined by the Expanded element.</xs:documentation>
Schema location file:////Q:/kramer/qif3.0/model/QIFforHTMLxsd/QIFLibrary/Features.xsd