QIF Community


The online hub for the QIF community

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The online hub for the QIF community

QIF3 Schema Browser
Are you busy writing support for the QIF format? Here is an online location where you can browse the contents of the QIF schemas. It’s easy to use!
QIF Validation Tools
Here, you will find some tools that will allow you to easily check the validity of a QIF instance file.
QIF3 Sample Instance Files
Here are a set of sample QIF3 files. These should help to give you an idea of all the different ways that QIF can help support your enterprise!
QIF Rules Editor App
A free and open source app for creating and editing QIF Rules instance files.
QIF Resources Editor App
A free and open source QIF Resources editor app.
Source Code Bindings
Here, you will find bindings to help you automatically generate source code to start reading and writing QIF files in C++, C# and Python. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to start pushing some QIF code.
QIF3 “Issues” List
This is for more than just flagging issues with the QIF standard. Here is where you can interact with the rest of the community: ask questions about your implementation, submit enhancements requests, and ask general questions about QIF.
QIF Standard Website
The main QIF website. This is where you can download the standard, including the schemas and the documentation. It’s free, go and get it!

Getting Started with QIF

During April and May of 2020, the DMSC hosted a series of webinars on how to get started with QIF. The 3 webinars were titled:

Click on over to this page on the QIF website to re-watch these webinars, or to download the presentations.

What’s New in QIF 3

Curious about what, specifically, is new in QIF 3? Click here for a detailed set of changes from QIF 2.1 to QIF 3, courtesy of Dr. Tom Kramer.

Thanks for dropping by! If you have any questions, get in touch with us here!