The NonToleranceEnumType enumerates values that describe a dimension characteristic that is not toleranced but which nevertheless needs to be tracked and/or reported.
restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
The MEASURED enumeration defines a characteristic as being a basic dimension which can be measured and therefore a valid measured value may exist.
The SET enumeration defines a characteristic as being a dimension which cannot be measured and therefore no valid measured value exists and the measured value is set to the nominal value for reporting purposes.
<xs:simpleType name="NonToleranceEnumType"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The NonToleranceEnumType enumerates values that describe a dimension characteristic that is not toleranced but which nevertheless needs to be tracked and/or reported.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN"><xs:enumeration value="MEASURED"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The MEASURED enumeration defines a characteristic as being a basic dimension which can be measured and therefore a valid measured value may exist.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration><xs:enumeration value="SET"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The SET enumeration defines a characteristic as being a dimension which cannot be measured and therefore no valid measured value exists and the measured value is set to the nominal value for reporting purposes.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation></xs:enumeration></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>