The DimensionModifierEnumType enumerates values that signify that a dimension is a basic or theoretically exact dimension, an un-measurable dimension that is set to its nominal value, or a reference or auxiliary dimension. ISO theoretically exact dimensions (TED) and ASME basic dimensions are analogous concepts both of which are signified with the BASIC_OR_TED enumeration. ISO auxiliary dimensions and ASME reference dimensions are analogous concepts both of which are signified with the REFERENCE_OR_AUXILIARY enumeration.
<xs:simpleType name="DimensionModifierEnumType"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>The DimensionModifierEnumType enumerates values that signify that a dimension is a basic or theoretically exact dimension, an un-measurable dimension that is set to its nominal value, or a reference or auxiliary dimension. ISO theoretically exact dimensions (TED) and ASME basic dimensions are analogous concepts both of which are signified with the BASIC_OR_TED enumeration. ISO auxiliary dimensions and ASME reference dimensions are analogous concepts both of which are signified with the REFERENCE_OR_AUXILIARY enumeration.</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN"><xs:enumeration value="BASIC_OR_TED"/><xs:enumeration value="SET"/><xs:enumeration value="REFERENCE_OR_AUXILIARY"/></xs:restriction></xs:simpleType>